The Shed is open in the afternoon on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

Click here to view activities for this month. 


Latest News:


This Week:

The evening of Thursday 24 October, from 7p.m., we going to The Gordon Highlanders Museum. This will include a tour, tea/coffee, and a talk by Ian Pithie (front-of-house manager) about a trip (pilgrimage?) he recently made to the Aston Martin Heritage Trust. All in all, will be a fascinating trip. Arrangements will be made for lift-sharing on the day. If you would like to attend, contact Aidan at


We have started making preparations for Christmas, making snowmen, and a variety of turned items for sale.


As always, whenever the doors are open the kettle will be on, drop in and join us for a cuppa and a biscuit.



We have items for sale, see our Facebook page for what is available: See HERE

Members are welcome to attend at any of the opening times.

About Men’s Sheds – What’s In It For You?

  • Do you find that you have fewer opportunities for socialising with like-minded men?
  • Do you have skills and knowledge which you could pass on to others?
  • Would you like to learn new skills from other men?
  • Do you have a personal project which you wish to work on?
  • Would you like to have access to somewhere you could just have a coffee and conversation?
  • Do you sometimes just feel that you need some company?


The Men’s Shed movement started in Australia from where it spread rapidly.

The purpose of a Shed is to provide a social and workshop environment for men of all ages from 18 and upwards.  They may be in work, out of work, retired, with disabilities or just plain bored.  These men have a wealth of skills and knowledge to contribute and can gain immensely from social contact and sharing their experience with other men.

It is widely recognized that men, particularly not when in employment, can suffer from social isolation, often leading to deterioration of mental health and physical wellbeing.

Experience has shown that being a member of a Men’s Shed has a very positive effect on such wellbeing.

Culter and District Men’s Shed Development

A group of enthusiastic men with encouragement from a local councillor formed the Culter and district Men’s Shed.

Eight trustees are managing the project which is a registered charity.

The former cadet hut in the Bush was identified as an ideal location for our shed and initially leased to us by Aberdeen Council. Purchase of the shed/site was completed in November 2019. We are very unusual, and fortunate in actually owning our shed.

The corona epidemic upset the development of The Shed, but in late 2021 we opened to members, and have grown slowly but surely since then.









Scottish Men’s Shed Association

The Scottish Men’s Shed Association is the umbrella organisation for all Men’s Sheds in Scotland. For more information please CLICK on the link below.


UK Men’s Shed Association

The UK Men’s Shed Association is the umbrella organisation for all Men’s Sheds in UK. For more information please CLICK on the link below.